Honing Your Inner Command Line

As a Linux enthusiast, I often find that there is just so much to learn that it can get overwhelming. The keyboard is by far still the fastest way to interact with a computer, but memorizing all of the shortcuts can be daunting. When I was getting the hang of emacs, I thought it would be good to read a book to try and improve my skills. I quickly realized though that I was getting too much information at once to make it useful. [Read More]

Go Forth and Read

I’ve been diving into the Go language at full speed. A book was recently released called Programming in Go. If you are interested in Go and this isn’t your first language, I’d definitely recommend it. It goes much deeper into the language than the examples online and provides a nice layout for learning and discovery. Not that I hate reading the package docs, but the book provides it in a more interesting and concise layout. [Read More]

Go, Go, Go, Go On An Adventure

I’ve been having a lot of fun playing with Google’s new language [Go](http://golang.org/. I just finished A Tour of Go as well as their references: How to Write Go Code and Effective Go. Some of the exercises in the tour were quite fun to implement. You can find my answers in gist. Feedback is welcomed! The built in concurrency was the most fascinating for me. I was surprised at how simple the last problem (WebCrawler. [Read More]

Look Ma! I'm Melding!

Software engineers love their tools. People generally regret asking questions like “Should I user emacs or vi?” because of the devotion we put into the tools we use. It’s borderline religious. If you aren’t on their side, you are dead to them. Given that, I still wanted share one of my favorite tools: Meld. Meld is a visual diff tool. It allows you to compare files and directories and see what is different about them. [Read More]

Chinese Character Rendering In Chromium

I’ve been using Arch Linux for a month now and have really been enjoying it. It’s one of those “Google and tinker” operating systems. Today I had a problem with Chromium refusing to render Chinese characters. I don’t speak Chinese, but It bugs me to see boxes where cool characters should be. It turns out to be a simple fix. Installing the package ttf-arphic-uming did it for me. I thought I’d just throw this out there just in case anyone else was getting infuriated by ugly rectangles. [Read More]